Our preparations for the start of a Christmas market in Olympia are in full force. A big "Dankeschoen" goes out to Sabine Anderson and her team of Evergreen University students, who have prepared a detailed, professional business plan for the Christkindlmarkt venture. The next big step will be to build our first market booth, which will happen during the summer. We invite anyone who is interested to participate to join us.
"Thanks" also to Heidrun Francis, who organized the May Day hike, which had a big turn-out.
Our club website is gaining in popularity as seen on this recent visitor map:

For anyone living in the South Puget Sound area, come visit our next monthly get together on Saturday the 20th of June at 3:00 p.m. at Olympia's Wagners Konditorei.
Our next big event will be German Movie Night in July. Check the Events Page for details.
I hope to see you soon.