The German Club Olympia completed its first official fundraiser. We operated a food stand at Olympia's annual Arts Walk festival, where we sold sausages, Curry Wurst, Sauerkraut and baked goods. We received support from the MIX 96 radio station, Mathias from Einmaleins, Hess German Bakery, and Tumwater Party Rentals. "Thank You" to all the dedicated volunteers who planned this event, helped set up and operate the booth and the many members who have donated baked goods. Our fundraiser netted $650, which will go toward our planned Christkindlmarket project. This fundraiser was good test-run for the Chrsitmas market, where we plan to operate a food booth and market stand. The big goal is to establish a European Christmas market in Olympia that will draw crowds and offer a cultural venue for the city. The biggest aim is to raise enough money to eventually have our own property for a "Vereinsheim" where we can meet and have celebrations (anybody know a generous donor?).
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June 2024